Acute Bronchitis

Acute Bronchitis

What is Acute Bronchitis?

  • Is a chest cold where there is short-term inflammation of the airways in the lungs
  • Persistent cough and phlegm production
  • Affects people of all ages

Acute Bronchitis May Cause

  • Persistent cough
  • Phlegm


  • Virus or bacteria
  • Usually caused by the same viruses that cause the common cold or flu
  • It is spread through air and physical contact

Risk Factors

  • Smoking and existing lung disease
  • Contact with dust, chemical fumes and vapors
  • Air pollution, infections and allergies can worsen the symptoms


  • Plenty of rest
  • Lots of fluid
  • Stop smoking
  • Cough medicines that are mucolytic in nature dissolve the phlegm making it easy to cough up the phlegm.

Best to consult your doctors for appropriate treatment