A man holding his cigarette and cough at the same time

When to take Fluimucil®A?

A man holding his cigarette and cough at the same time

When to take Fluimucil®A?

Persistent cough with phlegm

Acute bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis

Persistent cough with phlegm

Acute bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis

Persistent cough with phlegm

Although irritating, is actually the body’s self-defence mechanism to expel irritants and infective agents, which are trapped in the airways.

Persistent cough with phlegm

Although irritating, is actually the body’s self-defence mechanism to expel irritants and infective agents, which are trapped in the airways.


  • Persistent cough with phlegm
  • Increased production of phlegm
  • Variations in the colour of the phlegm


  • Persistent cough with phlegm
  • Increased production of phlegm
  • Variations in the colour of the phlegm


Respiratory tract infection


Respiratory tract infection

Risk Factors

  • Smoking
  • Sudden changes in temperature
  • Reduced immune defences
  • Crowded places (wherein the infection spreads rapidly)

Risk Factors

  • Smoking
  • Sudden changes in temperature
  • Reduced immune defences
  • Crowded places (wherein the infection spreads rapidly)


To treat persistent cough with phlegm, let it cease, facilitating expectoration. In an infection of the airways, phlegm produced is especially viscous; it is thus necessary for it to be fluidified.

For this purpose mucolytic active ingredients are needed such as N-acetylcisteine contained in Fluimucil A, which break the protein links, avoiding all risk of respiratory obstruction and making liberating the airways simple and painless.

In addition to pharmacological therapy with Fluimucil A, a number of traditional remedies, such as taking honey or drinking more water, may help to combat the collateral symptoms such as sore throat or numbness due to the stresses that are typical of coughing.


To treat persistent cough with phlegm, let it cease, facilitating expectoration. In an infection of the airways, phlegm produced is especially viscous; it is thus necessary for it to be fluidified.

For this purpose mucolytic active ingredients are needed such as N-acetylcisteine contained in Fluimucil A, which break the protein links, avoiding all risk of respiratory obstruction and making liberating the airways simple and painless.

In addition to pharmacological therapy with Fluimucil A, a number of traditional remedies, such as taking honey or drinking more water, may help to combat the collateral symptoms such as sore throat or numbness due to the stresses that are typical of coughing.